Jeffrey Stuffings - Founder/Brewer Jester King Brewery
1. Where is your brewery?
In the Texas Hill Country on the outskirts of Austin.
2. What was the first beer you had that made you realize craft beer was going to be a bigger part of your life?
I toured Avery Brewing Co. in Boulder when I was in college. Avery IPA was eye opening, and I knew I couldn't go back to mass produced lite beer.
Jeffrey lucky enough to have met real-life ewoks
3. What is your favorite style to brew and Why?
Spontaneously fermented beer. The process is special, surreal, and a little crazy. Fermenting wort by simply leaving it out in the open to become inoculated overnight feels like magic. It's also exciting because it involves making beer unique to a particular micro-climate.
4. If you were stranded on an island (with a working refrigerator that automatically replenished itself) and you could only have one beer for the rest of your life in that fridge, which would it be?
I drink more Hans Pils from Real Ale in Blanco, Texas at home than anything else, so I'll go with that one. I like pale lagers with a lot of European hops. If Live Oak Brewing Co. in Austin ever gets around to packaging their Pilz in bottles or cans, I may have to go with that one.
5. What is your favorite music to listen to in the brewery?
High on Fire, Choking Victim, The Aquabats
6. Which other brewery has inspired you the most? Why?
Jolly Pumpkin in Michigan. They have done amazing things through wild fermentation and further opened my eyes to what beer can be when fermentation breaks the bounds of cultured brewers yeast.
7. Single hop beer – which hops are you using?
We don't make one, at least not intentionally. Some of our wild ales fermented in oak barrels receive only a small bittering charge in the kettle with a single variety of hop, typically Golding. We aim for pretty low IBU with a lot of our barrel fermented beers, so one, small hop addition is all we do.
8. Where is your favorite place to get a beer after work and why?
I don't get there much anymore because somehow I thought it was a good idea to have kids (I joke), but The Draught House in Austin, Texas. It has a laid back vibe and great sentimental value for me.
9. What is one piece of advice you’d give to someone who thinks they want to get into the craft beer industry?
Just be aware that it's a lifestyle more than a job. If you love beer and brewing, it shouldn't be an issue.
10. Dogs or cats?
Dogs. Blind loyalty is easier to deal with.