Maria Cabre-Delfino - Head of Treatments J Wakefield Brewing
1. Where is your brewery?
In Wynwood, on 24th Street between NW 2nd Ave and North Miami Avenue.
2. What was the first beer you had that made you realize craft beer was going to be a bigger part of your life?
Credit: J Wakefield Brewing
As crazy as this may sound, it wasn't a particular beer, but more about what was happening with beer and food and the way that craft beer has evolved. It's become almost as big as wine.
3. What is your favorite style to brew and why?
My favorite style to brew so far has been our Russian Imperial Stout, La Nada. A lot of work gets put into it.
4. If you were stranded on an island (with a working refrigerator that automatically replenished itself) and you could only have one beer for the rest of your life in that fridge, which would it be?
This really isn't a fair question... But it would have to be Stone's Xocoveza Charred.
5. What is your favorite music to listen to in the brewery?
Credit: J Wakefield Brewing
I have no favorite. We listen to everything from 90's alternative to old school hip hop to oldies. I'll jam to anything really.
6. Which other brewery has inspired you the most? Why?
I really love the way Cigar City has set the bar for treatments. Everything I've had of theirs tastes like what it says it will; and that's the way it should be. Don't call it something and have it taste nothing like it.
7. Single hop beer - which hops are you using?
Citra. I love Citra.
8. Where is your favorite place to get a beer after work and why?
KUSH. Always a fantastic variety of beers and they show local breweries love.
Credit: J Wakefield Brewing
9. What is one piece of advice you'd give to someone who thinks they want to get into the craft beer industry?
The same advice I'd give to someone wanting to get into the food industry; you have NO idea what you're getting in to. It's a test of physical and mental strength on a daily basis. But I wouldn't have it any other way. I love what I do.
10. Dogs or cats?
Dogs. But my Bengal cat is pretty awesome.