“When your values are clear to you, making decisions becomes easier.”
- Roy Disney
Our values are the reason why the craft beer industry is blooming right before our eyes. People are demanding local products, quality flavors, and are proud to support the businesses that make up the fabric of their communities. As the love for craft beer and local food grows so does the thirst for knowledge that allows those warm and fuzzy feelings to mature into something more real. Our values determine our interests and our interests influence our values. As we become more involved in the craft beer industry, each of us is taking part in growing the culture of our communities and is making the decision to support the one value craft beer represents more than anything: Community.
This site is for those of us who want more. In-depth and behind the scenes stories and interviews with your favorite brewers, and culinary professionals. Craft beer and restaurant reviews and an up to date calendar of craft beer events.
Life is best lived travelling and experiencing things with friends. We hope you’ll join us on our journey.